

Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten your teeth without the use of conventional metal braces. The Invisalign system uses a series of clear, removable, custom-made aligners to move your teeth. It’s a comfortable technology because you avoid the mouth abrasions that can be caused by the metal and wires of conventional braces. It’s also convenient, because you’re likely to spend less time in our office getting adjustments.

ClearCorrect employs the same concept, and is customized for your unique smile. Dr. Baker can explain the benefits of each orthodontic system with you during your initial consultation.

Because you remove your Invisalign or ClearCorrect aligners before you eat or drink, you can enjoy your meals without worrying about getting food trapped in your teeth - and you’re not limited as to the foods you can eat.  You’ll also be able to keep your teeth and gums healthier because you remove the aligners to floss and brush.